Thursday 17 November 2011

CB - Deconstruction of an Advert

Kano, London Town (2007)

The conventions of UK hip hop are apparent here, the plain background with the artist clearly in the fore and sole focus of the picture isoloates him as the meat and the artist. The artist himslef is wearing a 'hoodie' a convention of hip hop and black youth in the UK.

Media Language:
The rule of thirds is evident here, with the artist beimg the sole focus of the image and black and white in bold font the main purpose of the advert, promoting the artists' new album. However the breaking of the fourth wall is not apparent here, this is to maximise the impact of the image, creating a meta-narrative of the artist. The connotation of the album 'London Town' represents the artist from his roots and is a clear indication to his background and youth culture. This particualr section of the text is in black compared to the name of the artist (Kano) which is in white, perhaps suggesting his parting from his background of London and his roots from his youth. Alternatively it could be done just for promotion purposes separating the artist and album so there is a clear difference between the two.

The artist is not made to be extravagent as he is not dressed in any particular clothing, no accessories and no special background. Instead, in terms of Dyer, the image is a paradox conveying him in both an ordinary and exordinary way. It is a very simple picture of the artist without any particualar features which stand out to the audience creating him as ordinary. However this exact purpose of simple has created him as extrodinary, the basic picture and simple connotations such as the hoodie creates a meta-narrative towards the artist of how he is a representation of his youth and 'London Town'.

Institution and Audience:
This advertisement will be consumed in a focused way, the UK Hip Hop genre is not a mainstream genre of music, therefore the advert will be promoted to a particular niche audience. Particular fans of Kano and of UK Hip Hop fans will focus on the advert as it is aimed towards them.

1 comment:

  1. some sound comments Calum. However you need to make some changes and additions. In particular, spelling mistakes need to be correctly. More media terms need to be included in particular semiotics in the representation section.
