Thursday 17 November 2011

JM - Deconstruction of an Advertisement


How is the genre of the artist evident?

The clearest suggest of genre is shown through the Artist’s presence and costume. The use of mise-ene-scene includes conventional costume of a Rap artist and its target audience. In the picture, the artist is wearing a luxury fur coat and a walking stick representing him as a traditional man of riches, acting as an indexical sign for the Rap genre. The lack of background colour, coinciding with the rule of thirds emphasising the artist, further representing the genre of the artist.

Media Language

The rule of thirds is particularly dominant in this poster. The star has been placed to the left of the poster, with the typography on the right. The audience’s eye is first drawn to the image of the artists thus creating a star image, and then is drawn to the typography advertising a song. Furthermore the stance of the artist pushes the audience’s eye towards the typography as the artists hand is on the same level as the typography.

The artist had decided to use minimal typography for the poster creating effect as the audience is not overwhelmed. Furthermore the audience will therefore remember the poster more easily. ‘And we danced’ refers to a song under the artists label and although not the actual name of the song the quote is illustrative of the song. Leading on from this the ‘Free Download’ is written in black, which stands out from the background likely attracting the audience’s attention.


How is the artist represented?

A star image is created through this poster, in terms of Dyer, the artist is represented as extraordinary through Mise-ene-scene, particularly costume, and Rule of thirds. This star image is created through audience’s focus being drawn to the artist. Furthermore the mythological representation of the artist through luxury costume adds to the star image as the target audience are fully aware the artist does not actually wear these clothes.

Institution and audience.

This poster will predominately be advertised through Web 2.0. The advert will likely be placed on online music stores and social networking websites such as ‘Apple Itunes’ or ‘Facebook’. Furthermore if the audience chooses not to follow the advert, then the prominence of the artist’s image acts as successful advertising. It is unlikely that a poster such as this will be placed in a Newspaper or Magazine due to the incoherence of the text as it refers to a free download rather a voucher, discount etc.

1 comment:

  1. Some good use of semiotics although more could be added to representation section in turns of stance, props, colours
