Thursday 17 November 2011

AS - Deconstruction of an Advertisement


The genre rap is evident through the mise-en-scene in this advertisement. The wall in the background is representative of the suburbs of London and this is where is genre is most popular. The costume is also of this genre as the target audience is 16 - 24 year olds and the clothing worn by 'Devlin'. The way the clothes are worn with the top button done up on the t-shirt and the bottom of the jeans rolled up is popular within this age group and they are trying to make the artist as ordinary as possible so people can relate.

Media Language

There are a few visual techniques used in this advertisement, including; the rule of thirds and the mise-en-scene.

In this advertisement cover the rule of thrids is used to full effect. With the artist being on the left side of the frame and the lettering being on the right side of the frame. Nothing is centered and this attractes the eye to the lettering and the artists. The mise-en-scene in this advertisement is drawing your eye to the artists head first with the use of the dominant reading path. You firstly see the artists head and move down towards the typography and then your eye is drawn to the typography.

There is one dominant lingustic device in this advertisement and this is the name of the album, "Bud, sweat and beers". The 'bud' and 'beers' is referring to the drinking culture in Britian with the ages relating to this song. This title will be appealing to the target audience as they will relate to it. This is adhering to Dyers 'Stars' (1999) and one of his key paradoxes with the artist having to be extraordinary yet ordinary, and with the reference to the popular drinking culture this is very evident.


The star image that has been built up for this artist is continued in this advertisement. The fashionable image which has been built up with this artist with him wearing a fashion lable and one which he wears in a few of his videos. Also the social trends, such as wearing your top button done up and rolling up the bottom of your jeans is adhering to this social trend. This is making him seem ordinary, but he is on an advertisement making him simultaniously extraordinary and ordinary.

Institution and audience

This advertisement will be mostly advertised on the target markets domain, Web 2.0. Sites like 'Facebook' and 'Youtube' will be the main way of distributing this poster. There will also be some advertisement in magazines like NME. This is another way of reaching another audience that they may wish to exploit.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Ali, some good comments, however more could be said about representation and how the artist is positioned as extraordinary.
