- We have created a cohesive brand image where possible as we have included basic promotional information. We used key information including tour dates, a record label, a website and a track list. This will connote to the viewer the artist’s success and significant information. We create a clear visual link across our print media. This is evident through our use of colour and text. Many artists such as Kano (see below) create this link across their different media texts. The similarities across the media prints are similar, both showing the meat of the artist, conveying conventions of the rap genre through the clothing style, text and look of the artist.
- The background colour is a dull red colour which carries across all the print texts. This will connote to the reader the three different texts, allowing the reader to link between album and the artist’s tour dates. The use of text is also a clear similarity across the print texts; the same text will connote to the reader an evident link across the texts, giving them all the key information for them to purchase the product.
- We set out with the idea of creating the music video in a more traditional US hip hop way, using one long shot throughout our music video, as seen here;
The Pharcyde, Drop, (S. Jonze, 1996)
- However we instead conformed to the mainstream tendency to include lots of close ups, create a meta-narrative, visual motif and give the artist a lot of prevalence in the music video. This idea can be seen throughout our print media, we have created a ‘meat’ shot in all three print texts, as seen here in the Kano album cover and advert. However a slight change of effect has allowed us to also differentiate the artist from rap in a unique way changing his appearance in a simpler and unique way.
- In terms of Dyer’s critical framework, the star image is constructed through the conventional use of the meat shot used by many rap artists to promote themselves. We have put an artistic style to create an obvious uniqueness within our artist. This is used to differentiate the artist from other rappers and promote himself separately as his music is separate from the rap genre.
- The use of web 2.0 is now a daily activity for many people, the creation of sites such as ‘Youtube’ and ‘Facebook’ have created a new form of communication across different countries, different interests and different markets. ‘Facebook’ and ‘Youtube’ have made it much easier for music artists to locate their target audience, allowing them to promote their music in a much easier way. Smaller artists such as ‘DR. Syntax’ have benefitted hugely from this, now grabbing viewers’ attention through different music and promotional texts. We have also conformed to this style by creating a postmodern theme to match with his new form of rap music but also kept the main conventions of the rap genre to allow browsing viewers to quickly understand which form and genre the artist’s music is.
- The text of our print media anchors the meat image in all of three of the texts, the text used differentiates itself from the image, allowing the artist to be seen in the conventional rap manner and also the unique humorous approach which he also conveys in his songs. This idea can also be seen in Eminem’s album ‘Just Lose It’, the same idea of the meat shot and the implementation of humour through the text (and image in this case) suggests his uniqueness and ‘funny’ style in which some of his songs are written.
- The print media of our artist is polysemic (open) offering a variety and depth of meanings, all conferring to modern society and the way people are structured within it. The preferred reading of the text accumulates to the changing of people to ‘fit in’ with a particular social group and the celebrating of individuality as seen through Dr. Syntax. However the music video can also be read in an alternative way, mostly through ambient viewing, it can be seen to celebrate social groups, giving people a refuge and separation from others.
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