Monday 19 December 2011

CB - Evaluation Q4 'ICT'

- During the creative process web 2.0 applications helped us inspirations from other music videos of the same genre; the website Youtube helped us get the conventions of the rap genre whilst also looking at Dr. Syntax other styles of music video such as ‘Hire Me’ another humorous video which visualises the lyrics in an amplified way.

Dr. Syntax, Hire Me, (Unknown, 2010)

- Using Blogger had great advantages but also challenges that we had to overcome. It gave us the opportunity to get all the information and ideas down in a structured format, and the easy accessibility allowed us to draw upon ideas and inspirations quickly and efficiently. Furthermore the blog also allowed us as a group to communicate with each other and enabled ideas to expand in an ordered style without confusion.

- However as the blog was on the internet we had to have access to web 2.0 to use it, this became a problem when we were on shoots in Brighton, we did not have the information or ideas at our reach to fully full fill our music video. Also the blog itself restricted the amount of forms of media we could put on it, for example putting any program of Microsoft onto the Blog had problems and was very time consuming, and in some cases copy and paste of writing and images was restricted. 

- Other packages used to communicate our ideas included ‘Prezi’, a PowerPoint program which expanded our ideas in an informal way, allowing us to speak at the same time when presenting. Also, survey monkey enabled us to put our questionnaire in a survey format which we could then put on social websites such as Facebook. Youtube also helped us get inspirations from other rappers and gain the genre’s conventions. Youtube also allowed us to put links onto the blog so we could develop our ideas and also explain the styles which we wanted to create.


- The animatic was very significant as it gave us a very structured narrative and specific shot list to follow, this prevented us from getting too confused on what we were shooting. However the locations used in the animatic were not any specific location, just general places around Brighton and other locations, therefore we found it hard when trying to find places to film.

- Web 2.0 really helped us reach our target audience, we did this through social networking sites such as Facebook, over Facebook we could invite specific people or share the music video and questionnaire publicly. Other online sites such as Youtube also allowed us to reach a very specific audience, and other fans of Dr. Syntax and the rap genre.

- The program Photoshop was extremely helpful in creating our print text; we used fonts, filters and effects to create the print we wanted. The text was similar throughout all the texts creating a defined link between each print. Personally I used the filter ‘cut-out’ to give the artist an art style drawing effect, this enabled us to convey the protagonist with the conventions through the meat of the image but also in a unique way through the artistic style. We took inspirations from a number of album covers and one illustrator. The Grives album cover represents the style we were trying to create, whilst the illustrato Paul Willoubhy had an artistic style which we also wanted to convey.

 - When editing our group had many problems associated with the program Premiere. We constantly had to render the footage as the program could not cope with the amount of editing techniques and complexity of the footage, making it very slow and hard to keep progressing. We overcame this problem by rendering short bits of the footage that we had been working on; however this was still slow and restricted growth of the music video.

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