Wednesday 19 October 2011

JM - Digipack/Advertisement Ideas

 'Skream!' by (Skream, 2006)

This Digipack for the ‘Skream’ album by ‘Skream’ represents the artist in a very ordinary way. In terms of Dyer, the artist is seen to be in an ordinary situation of a party, however the artist is represented as extraordinary also by Skream being the only person in the picture looking at the camera, breaking the fourth wall.  Furthermore the mise-en-scene used in the image also expresses the artist to be something other than ordinary, as the artist stands out of the crowd, this is achieved by the extras facing away from the camera. Moreover the artist is not placed in the centre of the image; this technique forces the audience’s attention onto                the title of the album. The colour of the typography also attracts the audience’s attention to the title, the yellow colour used stands out from the background image. Studying the back of the Digipack the same yellow colour has been used from the front page typography, although the typography for the back page is black enhancing the text showing the name of each song. This contrast in colours gives the Album an identity as it can be recognised easily. 

Dubstep Allstars Vol 8 by (Distance, 2011)

The dark background image of the Artist represents him to be nothing special. In terms of Dyer therefore the Artist is attempting to be expressed as ordinary to his target audience, however when the image of studied in further detail we can see the artist opening a bared door, a possible connotation of this could be that Distance is opening the door to a new genre, this coincides with the artists genre, Dubstep, which is often represented conventionally as mysterious. Furthermore the difference in colour the typography in comparison to the background image enhances the title of the Album. However a third colour is used for the artists name,  advertising the album more so than the artist. The typography used on the front of the album has been resized and placed on the back of the album giving a continuous feel to the album producing an identity for the artist.  
 ‘Inna Steppas Dub’ by (Iration Steppas, 2011)

The typography of this album immediately catches the audience’s eye through the colour of the text in comparison to the background image. The text has been given a golden/yellow look which stands out significantly with the background image. Once the image has attracted the audience’s eye, the audience will then study the album further seeing the background image which shows images of the band with a fade effect. Furthermore behind the faded images of the band, there are even further faded images of speaker system. These images immediately relate to the Bands genre which is Bass music leading to a band image being created. Moreover this also applies to the back of the album which shows faded speakers, thus continuing the creation of a band image. 

‘Iration Steppas Sound System’
The numerous different colours expressed through this advertisement is one of the strongest parts of the advertisement. Yellow, Green and Red are shown throughout the advert which all attract an audiences eye. Furthermore there is an image of the African continent filled with the three colours creating a image of the Band having connection with Africa, which often represents chilled bass music, the genre of the band. 
Furthermore the advert also contains images of Band members which also advertises the band image. The title of the band stands out from the poster as it is expressed in large text, this technique is easily achievable and could be used within our groups Digipack. 


The image of the artist for this advertisement is the centre of attention of the picture, the close up of the artist focuses the attention onto him. Furthermore the dull background also draws attention onto the artist. However photographer on this occasion has given the artist large amounts of shadow which hides the artists face,  producing a feeling of mystery to the audience, the idea being that they will then research more of ‘Youngsta’ to discover what he looks like thus coming across more of his music. This effect of shade is relatively easy to achieve by having the person in the shot facing side on to the light source it produces a shadow effect. 

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