Wednesday 19 October 2011

CB-Digipak/Avertisement Ideas

Foreign Beggars, United Colours of Beggatron (October, 2009)

This album cover represents Foreign Beggars in a very original way, this reltes to their very original style of music. The bizarre cartoons are the artists and make-up of Foreign Beggars, again representing them as unique. The construction of this image is formed through the animation, it is kept simple and it's main purpose is to maximise the focus onto the characters. This can be seen through the plain white background, in comparison to the bright colours and style of the charaters in the frame.

GhostPoet, Peanut Butter Blues & Melancholy Jam (Febuaray, 2011)

This digipk cover creates an obviuos relationship between the artists' name and the visuals that can be seen. The link between the name Ghost can easily been seen as in the picture as he has a misted type effect creating his meta-narrative. Perhaps showing how he is not known as a 'mainstream' artist. In terms of Dyer, the artist is seen as both ordinary and extrodinary, he is the sole focus of the shot making him extrodinary. However the misted effect on the artists shows his ordinare and relates to his name (GhostPoet).
The colours are basic, the typography are in basic white, blue and green colours. This could be a connotation to his music, as much of his music is of the same style and creates similar messages.
The artists' image is created through the relationshup between typography and vsuals, as they convey the same message creating the artist as a Ghost and unknown to many people.

Kano, Home Sweet Home (June, 2005)

Another album cover which creates the artists' meta-narrative. In this case the artist, Kano, is re-living his past as he had previously been a part of N.A.S.T.Y (Natural Artistic Sounds Touching You) which was a grime crew in London. As seen in this digipak cover in the background, the N.A.S.T.Y crew can be seen. In terms of Dyer, the artist is seen in a very extrodinary way, he is seen as unique and a success with his past in the background, showing his development through his career. Moreover the artist (Kano) is breaking the fourth wall, maximising his impact of the extrodinary a long with the the 'set-like' scene in which you can see wires and light, emphasising his career path. 
Furthermore the album The text on the digipak can be easily viewed, it is very evident to the viewer and the album name 'Home Sweet Home' again relates to his meta-narrative.

1 comment:

  1. I think that our group should study your first Digipak Callum, as foreign beggars are a very similar band to our artist.
