Thursday 22 December 2011

Group - Question 3 Rough Cut and in-production concept development.

Rough Cut

We tested a rough cut of the video and the feedback was that some of our footage was very strong but some of it was very weak. After this we decided that we would re-shoot some of our footage. The testing of our rough cut to the audience was vital to the success of our music video, and because they are the people who would watch our video their input was very important to us. 


In-production Concept development

During the production we also had alot of feedback from our peer group about how we were able to improve the work we did. One of the most major of these was the reshoot of over 30% of our footage. We were reluctant to do this but did it on the advice of a few people. We realised after this that we had to listen to the people around us for advice and we may not be the most critical of our own work. 

In this video we are seen discussing the concept development for our video.

We were also told that the rough cut was sometimes unclear and they had sometimes got lost while watching. This helped us to introduce the lettering infront of all of the sterotypes to stop this from happening.

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