Tuesday 20 September 2011

JM - Track ideas

Subcultures - Dr Syntax (2008)

Duration of ideas 1:05-2:10

For this part of our video the protagonist actor will be walking down a street, or through a park. Our group are then separating our video to match separate parts of the track. For every different social group the Artist speaks about we will have a different situation.

Different social groups:

Garage Ravers -  
  • Number of Actors: Two 
  • Costume:  Hoodie, with a sports t-shirt and jeans.
  • Props: Microphones 
  • Set: Poverty stricken area.
  • Action: Standing with the 2 actors who are holding microphone, arguing with each other. Protagonist is pushed into a wall. 
  • Camera:  Mid shots, Close ups
Lyric analysis  "can’t believe what they were, BLAAH BLAAH BLAAAH, Youl ads with rude attitudes, Are you ever in a happy mood?"
The sequence will begin the group talking together. However on the second line of lyrics the garage ravers will start to push and make signs toward the protagonist actor. Change of camera angle to mid shot showing the protagonist walking off. Finally returning to the oringal close up shot of protagonist walking.
UK Hip Hop -
  • Number of actors:Two 
  • Costume: -Similar dress to the protagonist character. Flat cap
  • Action – Lip syncing in close up. Movement and clicking of mouse. Protagonist turning off screen
  • Camera – Close up of Protagonist sitting down. Close up of Hand on mouse. Over shoulder shot of computer and webcam

Indie kids - 
  • Number of actors: Two 
  • Costume: Ripped Skin tight jeans. Glasses with square lenses.
  • Action: Protagonist walks and stops by them on the street. Looks up and down at the Indie Kids. Change of camera to mid shot of mosh pit pushing protagonist. Protagonist then runs off in comedic way. 
  • Camera: Panning up and down as though from the protagonists eyes, Mid shot looking at the scene unraveling  Close up of Protagonist.

Art people -
  • Action: Protagonist walking along street with an art piece in his hand, then throw the art piece in a bin. 
  • Camera:  Close up of Protagonist, Mid shot of Protagonist holding art.

Footy Hooligans -
  • Number of actors: Two 
  • Costume: Jeans, trainers, Plain jacket. Gold Necklace or bracelet
  • Set: Football stadium (Astro pitch or Tunbridge Angels)
  • Action: Protagonist approaches the actors, shakes hands. Protagonist looks confused. 1 actor punches protagonist
  • Camera:  Mid shot showing group together meeting protagonist. Mid shot of Protagonist, Close up of fist into camera

Outed men - 
  • Number of actors: Two
  • Costume:  Vest top, tight jeans
  • Action: Protagonist walking down the street walking past an outed man. 
  • Camera: Close up of protagonist. Mid shot showing protangoist walking past the gay men
 Transition between shots 

A special effect will be used between the different social groups. Most likely an effect to the give the appearance of a memory. The cutting rate and transition between shots will match the sound and lyrics of the song.  

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