Thursday 29 September 2011

Group - Audience Research AS Review

In our AS task we created a two minute Film Opening of the Horror Genre using a title sequence.

The aim of our audience research was to test our concept and developement ideas. Furthermore another aim of the research was to gain any suggestions from other media students and gain creative ideas. 

Who were your sample audience and how many?

For our AS task our sample were our Groups friends. Unfortunately we were only able to use males for our sample audience. Furthermore we distributed 10 questionnaires to different individuals.

What method did you use?  Evaluate. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method?

We first studied numerous other questionnaires and learnt of different questions such as open and closed. Our group then created a questionnaire including numerous different type of questions including Open, closed and ranking. We included t variety of questions to maximise the results. We then handed out the questionnaire and asked people to return the completed questionnaire at a later date. This method had numerous advantages as we able to print out numerous copies easily and quickly. However a big disadvantage of this method is that we were unable to have full confidence that the individuals we handed out the questionnaire to actually completed it themselves and were not influenced by another person.

What type of questions did you submit? (quantitative, qualitative, semantic differential).  How many?

In total our questionnaire contained 8 questions, all of which differed greatly. Our first question allowed the sample to express their personal opinion in a qualitative way. Our questionnaire also contained numerous quantitative questions including numerous rating scales. Furthermore the questionnaire contained questions regarding semantic differential with a question asking to choose the best fit out the options we provided.

How effective were the responses?

We found that the quantitative questions were more successful than others. We believe that this was due to a lack of media terminology knowledge of those that completed the questionnaire meaning they lacked understand and could not answer the question fully. However for our last question of any creative ideas that they could suggest, we took numerous shot ideas into consideration, some of which we implemented into our film opening final cut.

How are you going to refine your practice with the A2 brief ?
We shall tackle the problems we found with our previous questionnaire to ways. Firstly we will use less technical terminology meaning those who complete the survey will be able to easily understand what the question is asking. We shall also distribute our survey to not only males, but also females. This will give us a variety of results for our survey.  

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