Monday 26 September 2011

Group - Concept Development

Concept Development
. Submit a treatment (a synopsis of the whole track) including narrative fuzz and performance.

The music video will contain a protagonist of the artist (Dr. Syntax) and he will be all of the shots. The narrative of the lyrics will match the visuals of how he (Dr. Syntax) attempts to fit in with different social groups but fails in doing so. Again as the lyrics do we will stereotype the different social groups, for example ‘Indie kids’, we will stereotype them in ‘Indie’ style clothes.
Also we will try to continue his ‘meetings’ with other social groups all through one shot but this may be very hard to do, and instead may have to cut to different scenes.
Here are the lyrics of the song (Dr. Syntax, Subcultures) and some of the visuals that will match them:

2. Post the lyrics of the song in its entirety. Write a visual response under each line in a different colour.

Haha (laughing)
You people crack me up
U know that don’t you
I’ve been watching you though
Beady eyed
Check it
I’ve got some observations for you

I tried to act social able with the guys down the local
But soon realised I was being too hopeful
I don’t know cars and I can’t throw darts so I knew in my heart I stood no chance
Eyeline shot tracking shot. Protagonist walks into pub-cuts to him getting ‘kicked out’ of pub seconds later on same shot. Bottle is thrown after he leaves (continues singing).

Same shot (continuous shot)
I tagged along with a gang of vagabonds
But my plans to bond went badly wrong
I got nervous, trying to rob purses
Protagonist tries to rob a ‘handbag’ from ‘old lady’-comedic text appears (hero magazine text).
Long before the cops serviced I thought
It’s not worth it
Protagonist walks away

I spent the night with some Hippie types
In a ‘smoked’ out room with drug related items. Costume of ‘hippies’ such as beads, bare feet and casual shirts.
Passing the biggest pipe I’ve ever seen in my life
I thought crusties were all about love and piece
But they got up a tea when I finished of there @@@@ weed
Protagonist being sick in the bathroom/or looks ill and closes the bathroom door (implying his sickness). This representing how he can’t cope with the lifestyle (drugs).

I tried to get friendly with some trendies
Sitting in a hair dresser style chair (cloke on etc) trendies around him designing him.
They tired to get me to get my hair bleached
Close-up of protagonist with a blonde wig on.
No what I thought of there fashions tip
You know what thanks,
But I’m happy with the natural look I’ve landed with
Cut away to protagonist looking in the mirror. Acting his body shape and proud of it (irony).

I tried to chill with some garage Ravers
In a underground type scene with large speakers. Protagonist disinterested in situation (looks glum).
I can’t believe what they were
You lads with rude attitudes
Are you ever in a happy mood?

I met some UK HIP HOP HEADS on the internet
Thinking yes, I’ve finally met some kids sharing my interest
They spent the next 60 minutes on some winging sesh
Over the shoulder shot- skype over internet on webcam ‘head bopping’. Protagonist doesn’t fit in
Bitching about who they think is better Chesta P or jhest
Hip Hop Heads’ evidently argues over two other rap artists. (comedic text)

I started chilling with some Indie kids
Who dress as though as they don’t have a penny When their clearly privileged
Dressed in conventional ‘Indie clothing’ (chinos etc)
Obnoxious Oxbridge posh kids in a mosh pit
Mosh pit scene (protagonist getting pushed around-no facial expression) (comedic text-comedic text)
Watch me as though I was dog
I thought .... this

I went to a party full of arty farty wanna be darnies
All dreaming of the day they paint the masterpiece
Darling fricks dressed alarmingly
So you can’t perceive the possibility that artistry isn’t in their arteries
Montage of ‘on the street’ artist framing the protagonist

I met some footy hooligans
Moody .....
Who can’t remember when there first threw a punch
Football in a pub
When I told them I support no1
They called me a homo and bust my nose open
Punch to the protagonist (comedic text)

I met some lads who had recently outed
Who moved like drag queens when they pouted
Men following the protagonist (different shots, fish eye,) (costume-evidently homosexual)
I tired to think that it shouldn’t be a problem
But really we didn’t have a dam thing in common
Men stop following him (protagonist walks past the camera)

I met some nasty girls
Who’s look like Barbie dolls
Blonde haired girls (artificial look)
Dressed in Armani clothes
I knew their hearts were cold
They treated me like a thick inbreed
With disrespect
And I don’t take sh@t from stick insects

I met a couple into S and M
She was a leggy rench,
She was among the most scary men I’ve ever met
They wanted me to wear leather cegs
Come and sit next to me and be their special friend

At this point I thought I needed help
No of these subcultures offered me a spot to be myself
I told them all fine
Do what you like, but don’t let the limits of your past time define you

Where’s all the normal people gone man
What the up with all these
Tribulations of these people now days
Its all wrong
Its all so glory

3. We are thinking of filming on roads in Tunbridge Wells, we think this is a good idea as it allows for us to be able to manage location and actors. With this close-by location it allows us to easily get actors to the location without undue travelling. We also know the locations and think that this will allow us to utilise camera angles and movement in Tunbridge Wells. We have found a road in this location that could fit the continuous nature of out video. This helps us to cut the error and the effects we have to include.

This shows the road we may wish to use for our video. We think it is long enough to use for the song and have the continuous nature of it consistent.

This print screen show the decaying buildings and shops down this road. This could allow us to emulate some of the poorer sterotypes in this video.

4. We are thinking of only using 3 or 4 actors in our video. We would have one person for the protagonist and the other 2 - 3 to play out the sterotypes. We think this would add a comedic effect to the video and would make it more enjoyable. In terms of 'characters' there are going to be many appearing in our music video. This means we have to make use of the characters we have and allow ourselves the time to film that we need.

5. We are going to need a range of techniques in our video as it is only a person walking down a street. This will be a challange but if we are able to include shots like pans and tilts and alot of cuts I think we can make it great. In terms of post production effects we are thinking of have a few flashbacks for some of our sterotypes and this will mean trying to make the flashbacks look like memories this could prove to be har and we may need to work on this.

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